Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Friends is preferred by older crowds and how I met you mother is not.



Friends is a comedy show and there is also how I met you mother they both have been around for a long time and they both entertain people still today.  These 2 TV shows both have a funny side to it and a dramatic sides to it. Loads and loads of people prefer friends because its and old TV show so the older crowds love it and their jokes are old jokes as well.  The reason older people prefer friends because it’s a very funny and old TV show most of the older crowd or our generation have grown up with it and it’s the sort of TV show that never gets annoying. The older crowd never have understood the other newer shows that are like friends. How I met your mother is a younger TV show that doesn’t have as much humour. When you ask teenagers to choose a show they would most likely choose how I met your mother because they haven’t grown up with friends and they won’t understand they humour because of how old it is. How I met your mother has less humour and also has a lot of cliff-hangers that are about love. Older crowds prefer friends because its been around longer and how I met your mother hasn’t been around for as long so a lot younger crowd prefer it.

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