Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Keywords and negative and positive homework:)

Keywords for both stories:

Europe's migration crisis creating "unprecedented wave of criminality” as gangs across the continent converge around the “honeypot” of people-smuggling, says head of Europol

Such was the scale of the threat that a new unit set up by Europol to gather intelligence on the trafficking gangs was already "swamped" by its caseload.


The situation has escalated since the Eurostat figures were compiled, and today's inflow is on a far greater scale. 

It is not war, but money, that drives people abroad. That is not going to change any time soon

"This Great Migration was not expected because, for years, politicians believed that there would be less of it as poor countries became richer. In fact, the reverse is true."

A photograph of a drowned child is heartbreaking, but should not change policy: a botched response can lead to many more dead children. Hundreds of Yemeni children will likely starve this winter, victims of its civil war – we won’t see the pictures, so we’re unlikely to see anyone petitioning Parliament about them. But it’s no less of a tragedy."

Th first story is negative because they are saying these people are taking over.
The second story is positive and negative because I gives empathy for these people and also gives a point that they shouldn't change the migration policy.

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