Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Anatation of the monologe

Jargon = red
Understatment = blue
Hyperbole = Light blue
Juxtoposition = purple
Comparison = light red
Repetition = yellow
Replacement = green
Anaphora   = going to be some colour idk yet

4  I hate the way you talk to me 
3 And the way you cut your hair
4    I hate the way you drive my car
 3.   I  hate it when you stare

3   hate your big dumb combat boots
 4.  And the way you read my mind
5  I  hate you so much that it makes me sick
3    It even makes me rhyme

4       I hate the way you're always right
4       I hate it when you lie
3       I hate it when you make me laugh
4         Even worse when you make me cry

5          I hate the way you're not around
4         And the fact that you didn't call 
 3        But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
6         Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all

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