Monday, September 28, 2015

Irish diaspora

The Irish diaspora is a labour diaspora.For years the Irish have been well known for being immigrants in other countries and actual fact it was all started by the Great Famine or commonly known as the Potato Famine 1845-1850.With potatoes being the main source for food the famine had disastrous effect all over Ireland and with the failure of the then British rulers to help with the food shortage and the exporting of grain to pay landlords their rent Ireland became practically un-liveable which was the main reason for Irish diaspora during 1800’s Ireland. It is believed that over a million Irish people died from starvation and disease such as cholera and typhus and for those who did survive would face eviction for not being able to pay rent, approx over 500,000 Irish people were evicted by landlords. Most of these people ended up in Government poor houses which helped the rate of disease to rise dramatically killing many. The million of people that left because of labour diaspora all went to America, Australia, Russia, South America.

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