Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Arms and the boy

Sharp with sharpness of the grief and death. Arms and the boy by Wilfred Owen is a powerful poem  about soldiers in WW1. The main idea of the poem is that ' War is unnatural to humans'
The poem uses metaphors and imagery of sight and touch.The metaphor 'how cold steel is...hunger of blood' describes how the gun is like an animal hunting its pray. The imagery 'Blue with all malice, like madman's flash' show us how the gun is hungry for humans,  referring the gun to an animal. 'Or give him cartridges of fine zinc teeth' tells us how the bullets are like the teeth biting through flesh and ripping and tearing it apart. 'Stroke these blind, blunt bullet-heads' describes how desperate they are to kill someone or something. Wilfred Owen uses lots of figurative  language like metaphors and imagery in detail to show us how war is unnatural.

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