Sunday, March 20, 2016


"Oh Jesus make it stop!"
Attack, by Siegfried Sassoon is a powerful poem about "going over the top", and it uses imagery and metaphors to serve the big idea. The main idea of the poem is that the situation is hopeless and the men are desperate. "the barrage roars and lifts" this is an example of auditory imagery its is a very powerful sentence because of the use of metaphors included in the sentence . The sight imagery is best exemplified by "lines of grey, masked with fear". This quote of imagery of sight uses a really great metaphor which is "masked" to say that the men's faces were so scared the minute you looked at them you thought they were totally different people  hence the "masked with fear". "Hope, with furtive eyes and grappling fists" in this quote the metaphor is "hope" since they are hopeless meaning there is no hope left. Siegfried Sassoon used powerful auditory imagery and metaphor to get across the point that the men were hopeless because they lost everything that  made sense to them and had their lives changed forever.

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