Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The solider

Some small piece of foreign field that is forever. England 
The soldier is an important poem for a number  of reasons, it exemplifies the attitudes of people at the beginning of WWI, as well as being a very interesting example of the sonnet form. The main idea of the poem is how glorious is to die for EnglandThe big idea is served by a lot of figurative language . In the whole poem but mostly on the 2nd stanza, Rupert Brooke uses repetivly implicit and explicit imagery of England.It is a Italian sonnet which is a love poem to England and the big idea. It has in fact 2 ideas: I the first two stanzas, it describes the physical of the country using imagery. In the third stanza, he shows more a spiritual and mental aspect of it: her heart, eternal mind, English heaven... Using personification. The poem is showing how proud Rupert Brooke was to die for England.

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